Parish Council Noticeboard
This Noticeboard is for public notices specifically issued by Piddington Parish Council.
For information of general interest to villagers, including notices of events and activities, news items, etc., please see the Village Noticeboard. (Some items may appear on both noticeboards.)
Planning Application no.: 24/00097/F
Proposal: RETROSPECTIVE - Material Change of Use of land to use as a residential caravan site for 12 gypsy/traveller families, each with two caravans, including improvement of access, laying of
hardstanding and installation of package sewage treatment plant
Location: Land South Side Of Widnell Lane, Piddington
To submit your own comments, follow the link below to the planning portal:
Comments must be submitted no later than 5th March.
Your Parish Council has worked hard compiling its objection letter. Please support them by submitting your own comments and showing the Cherwell Planning Committee that you support your Parish Council in their decision.
Comments must be submitted no later than 5th March.
Your Parish Council has worked hard compiling its objection letter. Please support them by submitting your own comments and showing the Cherwell Planning Committee that you support your Parish Council in their decision.
Community First Oil Scheme
The Parish Council has received the following information from Community First Oxfordshire about their oil scheme offer.
New bus service - from 27th November 2023
The Parish Council has received the following information from Oxfordshire County Council about a new bus service.
Download the timetable for new bus service 108.
Download the timetable for new bus service 108.
Please see the attached timetable for new bus service 108, operating between Oxford and Bicester and communities en route. The service will commence on Monday November 27th. The timetable is also available here, and a route map here.
Following discussions with Go Ahead Group, there have been some improvements to the service as requested by some communities. The morning and evening peak journeys to and from Oxford will now operate to/from Horton-cum-Studley. These journeys have also been slightly retimed to leave a few minutes earlier in the morning and ten minutes later from Oxford in the evening. Finally, the bus will stop at the village shop in Stanton St John to get the bus closer to the village centre.
Should you have any queries regarding the information contained in this email, please feel free to get in touch via [email protected].
Best wishes,
Tim Darch
Public Transport Planner
Environment and Place
Oxfordshire County Council | County Hall | Oxford | OX1 1ND
PPC update - March 2023
Councillors: Two vacancies exist on the Parish Council. Anyone wishing to become a Councillor should contact the clerk ([email protected]) for more information or come along to our next meeting.
Planning Appeals - Gypsy/Traveller site: The appeals hearing was held in November but to date no decision has been made.
Allotments: All the allotments are now let. If you are interested in taking on a plot, please register your interest with Cllr Trish Wills who will manage the waiting list: [email protected]
Highways maintenance: OCC are aware of the concerns of residents, and this is the worst time of the year for potholes, which OCC are working very hard to repair.
A reminder that you can report poor road conditions directly using fix my street or you can contact the village fix my street super user Phil Jones via email: [email protected]
OCC are also having an area weight restrictions engagement activity, looking at existing or potential future challenges with inappropriate Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) movements. The engagement activity runs from 10th March 2023 until the 10th April 2023. Further information and the online activity can be found here:
Vehicle activated sign (VAS): This has now been installed and is active on Thame Road. Special thanks to Graham Burchell for his assistance with his Manitou and cage, helping to lift Mario to lofty heights safely.
Coronation fund: CDC are offering grants to communities who wish to hold coronation events. A grant of up to £400 (excluding food and drink) is available towards the costs. If villagers are interested in forming a coronation event committee to commemorate the King's coronation, they should contact the clerk, who will assist with the grant application.
Litter pick: Saturday 1st April. The Litterblitz is back. Equipment provided. Please meet at 10.00am at the village hall carpark.
Planning Appeals - Gypsy/Traveller site: The appeals hearing was held in November but to date no decision has been made.
Allotments: All the allotments are now let. If you are interested in taking on a plot, please register your interest with Cllr Trish Wills who will manage the waiting list: [email protected]
Highways maintenance: OCC are aware of the concerns of residents, and this is the worst time of the year for potholes, which OCC are working very hard to repair.
A reminder that you can report poor road conditions directly using fix my street or you can contact the village fix my street super user Phil Jones via email: [email protected]
OCC are also having an area weight restrictions engagement activity, looking at existing or potential future challenges with inappropriate Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) movements. The engagement activity runs from 10th March 2023 until the 10th April 2023. Further information and the online activity can be found here:
Vehicle activated sign (VAS): This has now been installed and is active on Thame Road. Special thanks to Graham Burchell for his assistance with his Manitou and cage, helping to lift Mario to lofty heights safely.
Coronation fund: CDC are offering grants to communities who wish to hold coronation events. A grant of up to £400 (excluding food and drink) is available towards the costs. If villagers are interested in forming a coronation event committee to commemorate the King's coronation, they should contact the clerk, who will assist with the grant application.
Litter pick: Saturday 1st April. The Litterblitz is back. Equipment provided. Please meet at 10.00am at the village hall carpark.
Community Speedwatch Newsletter
Download the latest Thames Valley Police Community Speedwatch Newsletter here.
Would you like to be a parish councillor?
Being a parish councillor is a rewarding and privileged form of public service. The Parish Council is the level of local government closest to the community and its main role is to represent local views and concerns to both District and County Councils.
Piddington Parish Council meets once a month and councillors take on responsibilities dependent on their own personal circumstances and interests. Some people can spare more time than others and fellow councillors understand this. It is also possible to attend meetings virtually using Zoom.
For more information please contact the Parish Clerk ([email protected]).
Your parish needs you!
Piddington Parish Council meets once a month and councillors take on responsibilities dependent on their own personal circumstances and interests. Some people can spare more time than others and fellow councillors understand this. It is also possible to attend meetings virtually using Zoom.
For more information please contact the Parish Clerk ([email protected]).
Your parish needs you!
Welcome Letter
The Parish Council has produced a Welcome Letter for new residents.
Download the Welcome Letter here.
Download the Welcome Letter here.
Piddington Village News & Events Email
Regular email updates on important issues affecting the village and reminders of upcoming events from the Parish Council, PVHMC and St Nicholas Church.
Sign up here.
You can unsubscribe at any time. You will receive a welcome email once you have registered. If this does not appear in your inbox within 5 minutes, please check your spam folder and add us to your 'Safe Senders' list.
Sign up here.
You can unsubscribe at any time. You will receive a welcome email once you have registered. If this does not appear in your inbox within 5 minutes, please check your spam folder and add us to your 'Safe Senders' list.
In October 2019, the Parish Council the Planning Inspector upheld the Appeal and gave consent for the planning application on Widnell Lane. Whilst accepting local concerns he felt many of these could be addressed and that ultimately the need for pitches in the District was paramount.
A number of conditions have been put in place which include:
A number of conditions have been put in place which include:
- Provision of utility services before any occupant can move in.
- A mitigation strategy for Great Crested Newts and a landscape/ecological management plan to be agreed before commencement.
- Occupancy is limited to gypsy/travellers only.
- There shall be no more than 6 pitches and no more than 2 caravans on each pitch, one of which must be a static caravan or a mobile home that complies with British Standards.
- No commercial activities shall take place on the land and no vehicles over 3.5 tonnes shall be parked or stored on the land.
Due to the late inclusion of the military, the Appeal hearing date has been postponed until July 29th where it is expected to last for 5 days. Details of the planning application and Appeal documents can be found on the Cherwell planning portal through the planning application reference 17/01962/F. The Parish Council will continue to send updates via email and through Parish Matters.
Due to the late inclusion of the military, the Appeal hearing date has been postponed until July 29th where it is expected to last for 5 days. Details of the planning application and Appeal documents can be found on the Cherwell planning portal through the planning application reference 17/01962/F. The Parish Council will continue to send updates via email and through Parish Matters.
Material change of use of land to use as a residential caravan site for 6 gypsy families, each with two caravans, including improvement of access and laying of hardstanding | OS Parcel 9635 North East Of HM Bullingdon Prison Widnell Lane Piddington
This application was considered by Cherwell District Council’s Planning committee and was refused on 16th February 2018.
The Applicant, Mr Foster, has appealed this decision.
Following a village meeting, the Parish Council has instructed a barrister – Richard Langham – to act for it and present its case at the Public Inquiry, which will start on 26th March.
The Inquiry is expected to last for 5 days and the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Parish Council – Francesca Darby and Pam Feltbower – are giving evidence on the Parish’s behalf.
The Planning Inquiry will be held in the Council Chamber at Cherwell’s offices – Bodicote House Banbury. Anyone can come along and watch.
This application was considered by Cherwell District Council’s Planning committee and was refused on 16th February 2018.
The Applicant, Mr Foster, has appealed this decision.
Following a village meeting, the Parish Council has instructed a barrister – Richard Langham – to act for it and present its case at the Public Inquiry, which will start on 26th March.
The Inquiry is expected to last for 5 days and the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Parish Council – Francesca Darby and Pam Feltbower – are giving evidence on the Parish’s behalf.
The Planning Inquiry will be held in the Council Chamber at Cherwell’s offices – Bodicote House Banbury. Anyone can come along and watch.
The Planning Officer's report on this application for a gypsy/traveller site on Widnell Lane has just been published. On this occasion his recommendation is to APPROVE the application. However, this is just his recommendation - it is the Planning Committee who will make the ultimate decision at their Planning Meeting on Thursday 15 February at 4 pm. Further information about the report and the meeting is contained in the three sections below.
Planning Officer's Report
The Planning Officer's full report, in which he recommends approval for the proposed gypsy/traveller site on Widnell Lane, can be read here.
District Councillors' and Planning Committee Members' addresses
The email addresses of our District Councillors, the Head of Cherwell District Council, the Planning Officer for the application, the Planning Office and all of the possible members of the Planning Committee on Thursday 15 February can be found here.
Information leaflet about the Planning Officer's Report and the Planning Meeting
An information leaflet is being distributed to all households in the village giving information about the report and how individuals can make their voices heard, together with details of the Planning Meeting. A copy of this leaflet can be found here.
On 15th February 2018 the Cherwell District Council Planning Committee voted against the proposal. Here is a link to the officer's recommendations: Village meeting to discuss the new Planning Application 17/01962/F, Thursday 19 October 2017
A new planning application for a gypsy/traveller site on Widnell lane was submitted to Cherwell District Council in September 2017. The Parish Council held an open meeting in the Village Hall on Thursday 19 October 2017 for the village to discuss this.
Parish Council objection to Planning Application 17/00145/F
On 2 March 2017, the Parish Council submitted its formal objection to Planning Application 17/00145/F: 'Change of use of land to use as a residential caravan site for 16 gypsy/traveller families, each with two caravans, including improvement of access and laying of hard standing'. It is now on the planning portal with all the other objections and comments, but you can also read it here.
Village meeting to discuss Planning Application 17/00145/F - 10 February 2017
There was an excellent turnout for last night's meeting to discuss Planning Application 17/00145/F: 'Change of use of land to use as a residential caravan site for 16 gypsy/traveller families, each with two caravans, including improvement of access and laying of hard standing'.
Around 130 people attended, to hear what information the Parish Council had about the application and an outline of PPC's planned objection to it, and to voice their own views and suggestions for action.
PPC will be issuing an update very soon, but in the meantime we urge you to lodge your own comments with Cherwell DC on their website or in writing.
Site Location Map - shows how the proposed site relates to the rest of the village
And finally, if you'd like to be kept informed about the latest developments, and you haven't already signed up to Piddington Parish Council's email service (whereby it alerts residents to urgent or important things by email), follow the link below to download the sign-up form and the protocol under which we look after your email address.
PPC email application form
Around 130 people attended, to hear what information the Parish Council had about the application and an outline of PPC's planned objection to it, and to voice their own views and suggestions for action.
PPC will be issuing an update very soon, but in the meantime we urge you to lodge your own comments with Cherwell DC on their website or in writing.
Site Location Map - shows how the proposed site relates to the rest of the village
And finally, if you'd like to be kept informed about the latest developments, and you haven't already signed up to Piddington Parish Council's email service (whereby it alerts residents to urgent or important things by email), follow the link below to download the sign-up form and the protocol under which we look after your email address.
PPC email application form
Planning application for a gypsy/traveller caravan site - update from chair of parish council, 2/2/2017
Dear All
Thank you for all your replies and general support.
The parish council met last night for an informal discussion. The debate was positive and our clerk is already working on the framework of a reply to the application.
The council will be holding an open meeting on FRIDAY 10TH FEBRUARY @ 7.30pm in the village hall to outline their objection and discuss any further developments. It's hoped there will be a pop up pub afterwards. Leaflets to this effect will be distributed around the village over the next couple of days.
Our clerk has already contacted the Garrison Commander, the Governor at Bullingdon Prison and BBOWT at Meadow Farm. We will also be writing to the parish councils of Arncott, Ambrosden and Blackthorn with an invitation to the meeting. If you have friends in any of these villages please make them aware of the application.
PPC encourage everyone in the village to lodge their comments with Cherwell DC on their website or in writing. Successful campaigns are those showing a commitment from the whole community. The deadline date has been extended to 24th February as the notices will not go out on site until this week. In writing your comments we urge you to focus your argument on the planning issues. Whilst sympathetic to your anger the planning panel will not take this into consideration when making their decision.
I have attached an overview of the current situation which includes extracts from Cherwell's Local plan alongside some observations made last night. I hope it is helpful.
You may also find Martin Goodall's 'How to object' Planning Law Blog useful:…
Otherwise please wait until the open meeting when we will discuss the issues in more depth. We hope to have a couple of computers on site so that individuals uncomfortable with sending comments using the planning portal can be helped on the night. If everyone on this list writes a comment there will be nearly 70 objections. Our aim is to achieve 100!!
Needless to say our first contact was with our three district councillors. David Hughes is Piddington's designated councillor but as Chairman of the Planning Committee will need to show impartiality. If you are unhappy using the planning portal and wish to lodge your comments their contact details are below:
David Hughes: [email protected]
Simon Holland: [email protected]
Tim Hallchurch: [email protected]
We are hoping that Simon Holland will attend the open meeting.
That's it for now. Be assured that your council will be working over the next few days on a plan for action. All we ask is that everyone stays vigilant. If you notice any changes at the location or vehicles parked on site let us know asap.
Otherwise we will see you at the open meeting. Don't forget to advise friends and neighbours.
Best wishes
Thank you for all your replies and general support.
The parish council met last night for an informal discussion. The debate was positive and our clerk is already working on the framework of a reply to the application.
The council will be holding an open meeting on FRIDAY 10TH FEBRUARY @ 7.30pm in the village hall to outline their objection and discuss any further developments. It's hoped there will be a pop up pub afterwards. Leaflets to this effect will be distributed around the village over the next couple of days.
Our clerk has already contacted the Garrison Commander, the Governor at Bullingdon Prison and BBOWT at Meadow Farm. We will also be writing to the parish councils of Arncott, Ambrosden and Blackthorn with an invitation to the meeting. If you have friends in any of these villages please make them aware of the application.
PPC encourage everyone in the village to lodge their comments with Cherwell DC on their website or in writing. Successful campaigns are those showing a commitment from the whole community. The deadline date has been extended to 24th February as the notices will not go out on site until this week. In writing your comments we urge you to focus your argument on the planning issues. Whilst sympathetic to your anger the planning panel will not take this into consideration when making their decision.
I have attached an overview of the current situation which includes extracts from Cherwell's Local plan alongside some observations made last night. I hope it is helpful.
You may also find Martin Goodall's 'How to object' Planning Law Blog useful:…
Otherwise please wait until the open meeting when we will discuss the issues in more depth. We hope to have a couple of computers on site so that individuals uncomfortable with sending comments using the planning portal can be helped on the night. If everyone on this list writes a comment there will be nearly 70 objections. Our aim is to achieve 100!!
Needless to say our first contact was with our three district councillors. David Hughes is Piddington's designated councillor but as Chairman of the Planning Committee will need to show impartiality. If you are unhappy using the planning portal and wish to lodge your comments their contact details are below:
David Hughes: [email protected]
Simon Holland: [email protected]
Tim Hallchurch: [email protected]
We are hoping that Simon Holland will attend the open meeting.
That's it for now. Be assured that your council will be working over the next few days on a plan for action. All we ask is that everyone stays vigilant. If you notice any changes at the location or vehicles parked on site let us know asap.
Otherwise we will see you at the open meeting. Don't forget to advise friends and neighbours.
Best wishes
Planning application for a gypsy/traveller caravan site in Widnell Lane, 30/1/2017
Dear All
The parish council has just received a notification for a planning application for a gypsy/traveller caravan site on Widnell Lane. Please see the details below with a link that takes you to Cherwell's planning portal where you can see the full list of documentation.
At this point in time the council have contacted our three district councillor's for a brief on Cherwell's position on the development of agricultural land to caravan sites. Our clerk has also written to the garrison commander at St. George's Barracks for their position as this land is close to the training facilities and MOD land and BBOWT who closely monitor the natural environment in this area.
The consultation period appears to finish on 17th February. The website allows for individuals to comment on applications. You can also write to the district council with your comments. The parish council will be meeting this week to compile a response when more information becomes available.
Please advise your neighbours. This email list probably only goes out to a third of Piddington's households.
I will send updates as soon as the council receives them.
Screening Opinion to 17/00145/F - Change of use of land to use as a residential caravan site for 16 gypsy/ traveller families, each with two caravans, including improvement of access and laying of hardstanding
OS Parcel 9635 North East Of HM Bullingdon Prison Widnell Lane Piddington
Ref. No: 17/00001/SO | Received: Tue 24 Jan 2017 | Validated: Tue 24 Jan 2017 | Status: Awaiting decision
Change of use of land to use as a residential caravan site for 16 gypsy/ traveller families, each with two caravans, including improvement of access and laying of hardstanding
OS Parcel 9635 North East Of HM Bullingdon Prison Widnell Lane Piddington
Ref. No: 17/00145/F | Received: Fri 20 Jan 2017 | Validated: Fri 20 Jan 2017 | Status: Awaiting decision
The parish council has just received a notification for a planning application for a gypsy/traveller caravan site on Widnell Lane. Please see the details below with a link that takes you to Cherwell's planning portal where you can see the full list of documentation.
At this point in time the council have contacted our three district councillor's for a brief on Cherwell's position on the development of agricultural land to caravan sites. Our clerk has also written to the garrison commander at St. George's Barracks for their position as this land is close to the training facilities and MOD land and BBOWT who closely monitor the natural environment in this area.
The consultation period appears to finish on 17th February. The website allows for individuals to comment on applications. You can also write to the district council with your comments. The parish council will be meeting this week to compile a response when more information becomes available.
Please advise your neighbours. This email list probably only goes out to a third of Piddington's households.
I will send updates as soon as the council receives them.
Screening Opinion to 17/00145/F - Change of use of land to use as a residential caravan site for 16 gypsy/ traveller families, each with two caravans, including improvement of access and laying of hardstanding
OS Parcel 9635 North East Of HM Bullingdon Prison Widnell Lane Piddington
Ref. No: 17/00001/SO | Received: Tue 24 Jan 2017 | Validated: Tue 24 Jan 2017 | Status: Awaiting decision
Change of use of land to use as a residential caravan site for 16 gypsy/ traveller families, each with two caravans, including improvement of access and laying of hardstanding
OS Parcel 9635 North East Of HM Bullingdon Prison Widnell Lane Piddington
Ref. No: 17/00145/F | Received: Fri 20 Jan 2017 | Validated: Fri 20 Jan 2017 | Status: Awaiting decision
Report it!
To report a pothole, street or road problem, go to FixMyStreet on Oxfordshire County Council's website.
To report a problem with flytipping, streetlighting, refuse collection, highways issues etc., go to Report It on Cherwell District Council's website.
To report dog fouling, go to Report Dog Mess on Cherwell District Council's website.
To report a problem with flytipping, streetlighting, refuse collection, highways issues etc., go to Report It on Cherwell District Council's website.
To report dog fouling, go to Report Dog Mess on Cherwell District Council's website.
Dog fouling
If you allow a dog in your charge to foul any area to which the public has access you are committing an offence. The parish council provides bins in public areas for the use of dog owners. Cherwell District Council is responsible for monitoring dog fouling, the issue of fixed penalty notices and for initiating court proceedings against offenders.
By law dog owners must pick up any mess made by their dogs. If owners do not clear up behind their dog and evidence is available CDC will investigate and prosecute them. The penalty for not clearing up behind your dog is up to £1,000 if taken to court, but there is also provision for a fixed penalty scheme with a fine of £50 in England. To report an issue, go to Report Dog Mess |
Environment, Food and