Widnell Park
Join our volunteers!
Sunday 1st September 2013
Anyone from the village wishing to help with the Widnell Park project, come and join Oxfordshire Conservation Volunteers (OCV), who will be at the Park on the above date: briefing at 10am approx. We will be removing the remnants of the old chain link fence at the north end of the field. A new fence will be erected on the north side of the ditch.
Clearance work will continue in the Park, and a bonfire for the residue.
You will need waterproof boots, thornproof coats & gloves, and anything you have such as secateurs, riphooks, rakes, etc. Lots of raking up to be done.
You will be covered by OCV’s insurance, and we will not ask you to do any more than you want to. So come along, get some fresh air, help start our wildlife and nature reserve, and in years to come you can say, ‘I helped do that’.
Piddington Parish Council.
For more information call 237147 or any Parish Councillor.
Published 7 March 2012
Although it is early days, the recent closure of the park to vehicles seems to be producing the intended results. There is a noticeable decrease in the litter; the used needles and other left-overs from drug use have disappeared (so far), as have many of the more unsavory items that were being cleared up on a regular basis. The use of the loose gravel as a skid-pan has ceased, and it is intended to level out some of the deeper ruts later. As and when funds permit, it is hoped to replace the existing barrier with two Rising Bollards, thus easing pedestrian access.
It is very gratifying to see the sportsfield back in use by the Launton junior F.C,, and long may it continue, although their requirements just utilize about half of the field.
Turning the lower part of the field to something better than redundant land has been under consideration for some time now, so to that end a long term plan is being evolved, incorporated in a general maintenance initiative, ever mindful of keeping costs to a minimum. This initiative is intended to start on June 3rd. By this time the M.o.D contractors should have cleared what they left on our property. We can then begin by clearing the dew pond and the far boundary, and replacing the bits of existing fence with a new one.
To assist with this, Oxfordshire Conservation Volunteers have been approached, and will be undertaking this task. If time permits, the stile from the park into the field is to be replaced be a gate, thus allowing access for the less nimble among us, pushchairs, etc. Of course, volunteers from the village will be most appreciated. So for anyone not involved with Jubilee celebrations and would like to help, there will be an informal briefing before work starts in the morning. For some reassurance, you will be covered by the Conservation Volunteers insurance. Please contact the Parish council if you wish to be involved. This would be a significant start to the restoration, where required, of all the boundaries.
Following on from this, some areas of grass are to be cleared for the sowing of wild meadow seeds. The idea is to create an area beneficial to the rapidly declining population of pollinating insects. This problem is, as we know, countrywide. So anything, however small it seems, should be worthwhile.
Later in the year, it is intended to plant trees, clumped together in a few areas, as a long term initiative for more wildlife habitat. To this end the Woodland Trust has been approached and is happy to assist in supplying trees and shrubs, and the Conservation Volunteers in the planting. Again, help from anyone in the village will be most welcome. This being Jubilee year, perhaps this might be our village contribution, and could maybe rounded off with a ‘bangers & mash’ or similar evening in the village hall.
Even further ahead, and still within the scope of the maintenance plan, the clearance and restoration of the wild area of the park to its former condition is envisaged. Several bird boxes have recently been positioned in the park, courtesy of Mr. Ken Howard. If anyone would like to donate/sponsor a box, (bird, bat, owl etc.) again please contact the P.C.
If you have any ideas, comments etc., please don’t hesitate to contact one of the Parish Councillors, or say your piece in the open forum preceding each Parish Council Meeting.
Although it is early days, the recent closure of the park to vehicles seems to be producing the intended results. There is a noticeable decrease in the litter; the used needles and other left-overs from drug use have disappeared (so far), as have many of the more unsavory items that were being cleared up on a regular basis. The use of the loose gravel as a skid-pan has ceased, and it is intended to level out some of the deeper ruts later. As and when funds permit, it is hoped to replace the existing barrier with two Rising Bollards, thus easing pedestrian access.
It is very gratifying to see the sportsfield back in use by the Launton junior F.C,, and long may it continue, although their requirements just utilize about half of the field.
Turning the lower part of the field to something better than redundant land has been under consideration for some time now, so to that end a long term plan is being evolved, incorporated in a general maintenance initiative, ever mindful of keeping costs to a minimum. This initiative is intended to start on June 3rd. By this time the M.o.D contractors should have cleared what they left on our property. We can then begin by clearing the dew pond and the far boundary, and replacing the bits of existing fence with a new one.
To assist with this, Oxfordshire Conservation Volunteers have been approached, and will be undertaking this task. If time permits, the stile from the park into the field is to be replaced be a gate, thus allowing access for the less nimble among us, pushchairs, etc. Of course, volunteers from the village will be most appreciated. So for anyone not involved with Jubilee celebrations and would like to help, there will be an informal briefing before work starts in the morning. For some reassurance, you will be covered by the Conservation Volunteers insurance. Please contact the Parish council if you wish to be involved. This would be a significant start to the restoration, where required, of all the boundaries.
Following on from this, some areas of grass are to be cleared for the sowing of wild meadow seeds. The idea is to create an area beneficial to the rapidly declining population of pollinating insects. This problem is, as we know, countrywide. So anything, however small it seems, should be worthwhile.
Later in the year, it is intended to plant trees, clumped together in a few areas, as a long term initiative for more wildlife habitat. To this end the Woodland Trust has been approached and is happy to assist in supplying trees and shrubs, and the Conservation Volunteers in the planting. Again, help from anyone in the village will be most welcome. This being Jubilee year, perhaps this might be our village contribution, and could maybe rounded off with a ‘bangers & mash’ or similar evening in the village hall.
Even further ahead, and still within the scope of the maintenance plan, the clearance and restoration of the wild area of the park to its former condition is envisaged. Several bird boxes have recently been positioned in the park, courtesy of Mr. Ken Howard. If anyone would like to donate/sponsor a box, (bird, bat, owl etc.) again please contact the P.C.
If you have any ideas, comments etc., please don’t hesitate to contact one of the Parish Councillors, or say your piece in the open forum preceding each Parish Council Meeting.